
Our primary work is to provide financial assistance to families who have lost children but are unable to pay for cremation. Working with Hayworth-Miller Funeral Home, we cover the total cost of cremation. We work closely with area hospitals, social workers, and chaplains. These professionals contact us with a need and we coordinate with the funeral home.


St Timothy’s Episcopal Church has designated a portion of their property for the Society’s burial ground. The cemetery will be offered to any family who cannot afford to bury their child. We are currently raising money to prepare the space for beauty and reverence. Currently we have 6 children who are, or will be, buried in the cemetery. When completed, the cemetery will include burial plots for 300 babies, an altar, and a shrine to the Holy Family.

Unclaimed Babies

Hard as it may be to believe, some children are not wanted by their families after they die. If a child dies before 24 weeks gestation, the body is incinerated at the hospital with “other tissue.” Post 24 weeks, the child is unclaimed in the morgue. The Society of St Jospeh of Arimathea has committed to the hospital to claim all unclaimed/unwanted babies of any age. These children will be buried at the Society cemetery.